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(296/308) 1895 - FTP Plugin: Cannot remove old "User name"

In "Connect to Secure FTP Server" (and probably in "Connect to FTP Server") I cannot remove old not used anymore "User name". When I press Del, nothing happens.

Please for convenience make possible remove user names from "User name" popup.

I think the same should be done with "Remote host".

Submitted porton - 2016-08-30 13:57:12.189000 Assigned ezust
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group
Resolution None


2017-12-29 19:31:30.498000

- **summary**: Cannot remove old "User name" --> FTP Plugin: Cannot remove old "User name"
- **assigned_to**: Nicholas O'Leary --> Alan Ezust
- **Group**: -->

2017-12-29 19:32:12.489000

Ticket moved from /p/jedit/plugin-feature-requests/374/